Cap De La Fée - Cap De La Fée

Cap De La FΓ©e - Hiking

Lanaudière, Quebec, Canada

By lydia.crawford

Cap De La Fée Statistics


6 KM

Dog allowed

What are the activities at Cap De La Fée ?


See photos of hiking at Cap De La Fée


Why choose a trail at Cap De La Fée?

The Cap De La FΓ©e trails are located in the Lanaudiere region of Quebec. They offer hikers a variety of landscapes to discover, from forests to mountains to valleys and lakes. The trails are well-marked and the various viewpoints are spectacular.

What are the services on site?

Rate & open hour

Access fee Free
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Cap De La Fée?

(518) 381-4700

Customer Reviews

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Starting Point

To get to the Cap De La FΓ©e trails, you must go to Saint-Donat.

Why visit Cap De La Fée

Cap de la FΓ©e is located about 1.5 hours from Montreal and is one of the most beautiful places in the Lanaudiere region. There is a magnificent white sand beach, a beautiful forest and a breathtaking view of the St. Lawrence. It is an ideal place to relax and enjoy nature.


Things not to be missed

Le Cap De La FΓ©e is located near several activities that are not to be missed. Among them is the Mont-Tremblant National Park, which is one of the most beautiful national parks in Quebec. It is ideal for nature lovers and hikers, with its many trails and breathtaking views. Also just minutes away from Cap De La FΓ©e is the tourist village of Saint-Jovite, which is known for its festive atmosphere and numerous stores and restaurants.

The Cap de la Fée campground is located in Saint-Donat, in the heart of the Lanaudière tourist region. It offers a breathtaking view of Lake Ouareau and the surrounding mountains.

Let’s Answer Your Questions - FAQ

Are dogs allowed?


Is the place are families friendly?


Is it free?


Is there an information center / service center / reception?

François Dumaine
Shared by
Lydia Crawford, an extraordinary woman with an insatiable zest for life, has become an inspirational figure to many through her adventures and infectious good humor. Born and raised in a small town nestled in the mountains, Lydia developed a love for the outdoors at an early age. Her childhood was filled with hiking, camping, and exploring the wilderness, experiences that shaped her into the avid outdoorswoman she is today.

She life was a celebration of adventure, joy, and the great outdoors. She lived with a fierce determination to enjoy every moment and to share that joy with others. Her legacy is one of laughter, exploration, and an unwavering love for the natural world. Lydia's spirit continues to inspire those who knew her and those who discover her story, reminding us all to embrace life with open arms and a heart full of joy.

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