Micro-Forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-Nord - Micro-Forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-Nord

Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord - Hiking

Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec, Canada

Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord Statistics




12 KM

What are the activities at Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord ?


See photos of hiking at Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord

Why choose a trail at Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord?

This network is part of the Route Hikers Macamic. This forest covers a territory with an area of ​​120 hectares. By performing the various courses offered, we will go through several ecosystems. We will cross, among others, a poplar, a birch and spruce. Almost all species of the boreal forest are present. The courses are decorated with panels on the flora and fauna.

What are the services on site?

Rate & open hour

Access fee $ 0.00
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord?

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What is the level of difficulty of Micro-forêt Éducative Et Récréative Authier-nord ?


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