Domaine Des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie - Domaine Des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie

Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie - Hiking

Mauricie, Quebec, Canada

Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie Statistics




3 KM

What are the activities at Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie ?


See photos of hiking at Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie

Why choose a trail at Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie?

This area is located near the Maine border. A trail circles the lake Giguère, through mixed forest. We can see traces of passing moose and deer.

What are the services on site?

Rate & open hour

Access fee $ 0.00
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie?

Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie
(418) 593-5806
111 Rg 11, Sainte-Aurélie, QC G0M 1M0, Canada

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

Based on 14 reviews

1 2 3 4 5

Recent reviews

Lizzie Ranallo

4 out of 5 stars

Very good cottage for large group! Everything is there! It's a must see and very peaceful place

Dennis Wallace

4 out of 5 stars

Very large and warm

Wayne Karim

4 out of 5 stars

Pretty cool place.You will love for sure! :-)

Anna Maier

3 out of 5 stars

You need to try this place.

Let’s Answer Your Questions - FAQ

What is the level of difficulty of Domaine des Sportifs Ste-Aurélie ?


Is the place are families friendly?


Is there an information center / service center / reception?

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