Mont Limoges - Mont Limoges

Mont Limoges - Hiking

Laurentides, Quebec, Canada

Mont Limoges Statistics




7 KM

What are the activities at Mont Limoges ?


See photos of hiking at Mont Limoges


Why choose a trail at Mont Limoges?

Mont Limoges is a mountain in Canada .It is located in the province of Quebec , in the southeastern part of the country, 100 km north of the capital, Ottawa . The top of the Mont Limoges is 237 meters above sea level. The terrain around Mont Limoges is flat to the northeast, but in the south it is hilly. The highest point in the vicinity is 414 meters above sea level, 1.0 km northwest of Mont Limoges. The area around Mont Limoges is almost uninhabited, with less than two inhabitants per square kilometer. . In the area around Mont Limoges are unusually many named bays and lakes. In the surroundings of Mont Limoges grows mainly mixed forest . The neighborhood is part of the hemiboreal climate zone . The average annual temperature in the area is 2 Β° C . The warmest month is July when the average temperature is 17 Β° C, and the coldest is January, with -16 Β° C. The average annual rainfall is 1128 millimeters. The rainiest month is June, with an average of 146 mm rainfall , and the driest is March, with 50 mm of rainfall.

What are the services on site?

Interpretation Center
Picnic table

What are the hiking trails at Mont Limoges ?

Trails Distance Difficulty
Sentier Baie Laplante 2.4 km Beginner
Sentier de L'Érablière 1.9 km Beginner
Sentier des Chevreuils 1.3 km Beginner
Sentier Du Phare 0.5 km Beginner
Sentier de la Traverse 0.4 km Beginner
Sentier des Falaises 0.3 km Beginner
Sentier Lac de la Sucrerie 0.2 km Beginner
Sentier à Midas 0.2 km Beginner

Rate & open hour

Access fee $ 0.00
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Mont Limoges?

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

Based on 6 reviews

Recent reviews

Wayne Karim

4 out of 5 stars

I have lot of funny there.

Windy Gadson

4 out of 5 stars

I had a great time.

Tiana Coster

4 out of 5 stars


Let’s Answer Your Questions - FAQ

What is the level of difficulty of Mont Limoges ?


Is the place are families friendly?


Is there an information center / service center / reception?

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