Thomas Cole Mountain, New York - Thomas Cole Mountain, New York

Thomas Cole Mountain, New York - Hiking


Thomas Cole Mountain, New York Statistics




21 KM

Elevation gain

1,201 meters

What are the activities at Thomas Cole Mountain, New York ?


See photos of hiking at Thomas Cole Mountain, New York

Why choose a trail at Thomas Cole Mountain, New York?

Thomas Cole Mountain is a mountain located in Greene County, New York. The mountain named for Thomas Cole (1801–1848), an artist who lived in the area, and is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School. Thomas Cole Mountain is part of the Blackhead range, and is the fourth highest peak of the Catskill Mountains. Thomas Cole is flanked to the east by Black Dome (3,990 feet or 1,220 metres), and to the west by Camel's Hump (3,530 feet or 1,080 metres).

What are the services on site?

Rate & open hour

Access fee $ 0.00
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Thomas Cole Mountain, New York?

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

Based on 16 reviews

1 2 3 4 5

Recent reviews

Leo Thomas

4 out of 5 stars

Pretty cool place.You will love for sure! :-)

Brian Lawson

4 out of 5 stars


Genny Bender

4 out of 5 stars

Mission accomplished. It's fab!!

Vicki Chen

4 out of 5 stars

It's a real pleasure to go there.

Let’s Answer Your Questions - FAQ

What is the level of difficulty of Thomas Cole Mountain, New York ?


What is the elevation of Thomas Cole Mountain, New York?

1201.00 M

Is the place are families friendly?


Is there an information center / service center / reception?

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