Collines Kékéko - Collines Kékéko

Collines Kékéko - Hiking

Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec, Canada

Collines Kékéko Statistics




43 KM

Dog allowed

What are the activities at Collines Kékéko ?


See photos of hiking at Collines Kékéko

Why choose a trail at Collines Kékéko?

In the early 1990s, a group of volunteers led by Mr.Joseph Jacob opened and marked out a series of short hiking trails in the eastern part of the kekeko massif, that is, in the area facing Lake Beauchastel. A little later was added the hiking trail; The Transkékéko. In order to help you prepare and carry out your walk we offer you this site which should allow you to go home before the night.

What are the services on site?

What are the hiking trails at Collines Kékéko ?

Trails Distance Difficulty
Sentier du Ruisseau 0.8 km Beginner
Sentier le Panorama 0.8 km Beginner
Sentier de l'Orignal 1.1 km Beginner
Sentier du Prospecteur 1.2 km Beginner
Sentier l'Aventurier 1.3 km Beginner
Sentier panoramique Despériers 2.2 km Beginner
Sentier de la Falaise 2.2 km Beginner
Sentier du Trappeur 3.6 km Beginner
La Boucle 1 4.6 km Intermediate
La Boucle 2 3 km Intermediate
Sentier de la Faille 2.5 km Intermediate
La Transkékéko 15.6 km Intermediate
Sentier des Crevasses 1 km Intermediate
Sentier du Réflecteur 1.4 km Intermediate
Sentier des Remparts 1.6 km Intermediate

Rate & open hour

Access fee Free
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Collines Kékéko?

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

Based on 12 reviews

1 2 3 4 5

Recent reviews

Stanley Kelley

4 out of 5 stars

Enjoy the nature

Karena Burkhard

3 out of 5 stars

Very good place. I recommand this place.

Elsie P. Hunt

3 out of 5 stars


Dennis Wallace

4 out of 5 stars

I love this place

Let’s Answer Your Questions - FAQ

What is the level of difficulty of Collines Kékéko ?


Are dogs allowed?


Is the place are families friendly?


Is it free?


Is there an information center / service center / reception?

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