Mount Moriah, New Hampshire - Mount Moriah, New Hampshire

Mount Moriah, New Hampshire - Hiking


Mount Moriah, New Hampshire Statistics


Very hard


14 KM

Elevation gain

1,234 meters

What are the activities at Mount Moriah, New Hampshire ?


See photos of hiking at Mount Moriah, New Hampshire


Why choose a trail at Mount Moriah, New Hampshire?

To explore New Hampshire properly, you can not climb Mount Moriah. It is an unpopular mountain certainly, but has a lot to offer hikers. From its summit, the panorama is truly exceptional in all directions. This mountain is a destination not to be missed to live a beautiful sensation. A true jewel for nature lovers.

All about Mount Moriah

Mount Moriah is ranked 41st of the highest mountains in New Hampshire at 1234 m high. It's a small mountain, but it's a place that will delight hikers looking for a better route. It is even a favorite for those who have already tried the experiment. What makes Mount Moriah so successful is its perfect bare top for those who are looking for a quiet and peaceful place.

Directions to follow

On Route 16 near the town of Gorham, you have a parking lot which is the starting point for your hike. Then continue on the Stony Brook Trail. During the ascent, you will cross a stream. Subsequently, the trail climbs again without presenting technical passages. After 5 km of effort, you are at an intersection with the Carter-Moriah Trail. Take the path on the left and another path on the left to reach the summit. A series of rocky capes adorn the trail while offering panoramic views. After a distance of 2 km, a last intersection awaits you. Take the path to the left and you are at the top of Mount Moriah. From there, enjoy a full view of the Presidential Range from the Washington and Jefferson Mountains to Mount Madison via Adams. To go down again, take the same paths. Allow about 6 hours to complete the 16 km round trip.

Useful information

Parking at Mount Moriah is completely free. With its trails open year-round, it is possible to bring your dogs on a leash.

What are the services on site?

Rate & open hour

Access fee $ 0.00
No information

What are the coordinates and address of Mount Moriah, New Hampshire?

Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

Based on 16 reviews

1 2 3 4 5

Recent reviews

Charles Dodson

3 out of 5 stars

Enjoy the nature

Tawny Olin

3 out of 5 stars


Angel Gibbs

4 out of 5 stars

I have lot of funny there.

Lydia Crawford

4 out of 5 stars

Very good place.

Let’s Answer Your Questions - FAQ

What is the level of difficulty of Mount Moriah, New Hampshire ?

Very hard

What is the elevation of Mount Moriah, New Hampshire?

1234.00 M

Is the place are families friendly?


Is there an information center / service center / reception?


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